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Meaning in English

Cycle 3 (Science for life)

Cycle Content

Week 1

  1. Upstream:
    1. Unit 9: Planet Issues
  1. Writing Academic English:
    1. Part 2: Writing an Essay, Chapter 8: Paraphrase & Summary

Week 2

  1. Upstream:
    1. (continue) Unit 9: Planet Issues
  1. New Hello:
    1. Literature: King Lear Act 3 (scenes 1:4)
  1. Some online resources

Week 3

  1. New Hello:
    1. Unit 3: The future of food
    1. Unit 5: Being smart online
  1. Grammarway 4:
    1. Unit 1: Future forms
  1. Some online resources

** All online resources can be found in the cycle file.

Cycle Vocabulary

Week 1

Session 1

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
contribute toيساهم في
the Antarcticالقارة القطبية الجنوبية
regulationنظام / تنظيم
commercial fishingصيد تجاري
restrictionقيد / تقييد
jump intoيدخل فيto become involved in a situation very quickly
toxic wasteنفايات سامةpoisonous waste products (from factories, for example)
biodegradableقابل للتحلل(of a substance or object) capable of being decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms
expeditionبعثة / حملة
involveشمل(of a situation or event) include (something) as a necessary part or result
cause harm toيسبب ضرر لـ
illegalغير قانوني / غير شرعي

Week 2

Session 1

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
botanistعالم نبات
trickyمخادع / صعب
habitatموطن / مسكن طبيعي
emergencyحالة طوارئ
soil dampرطوبة التربة
scentرائحة / عطر
biomeمنطقة حيويةa large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitatflora : the plants of a particular region, habitat, or geological period fauna : the animals of a particular region, habitat, or geological period
mathematicianالمتخصص بالرياضيات
astronomyعلم الفلك
arithmeticعلم الحسابthe branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and manipulation of numbers

Week 3

Session 1

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
hoverboard(chiefly in science fiction) a means of transport resembling a skateboard that travels above the surface of the ground, ridden in a standing position
futurologistعالم المستقبل
luxuryرفاهية / ترف
abundantوافر / كثير
depletionنضوب / استنفاذreduction in the number or quantity of something
diminishيقلل / ينقصmake or become less
prospectاحتمال / إمكانية / مشهد
hurdleعقبة / حاجز

Session 2

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
consultيستشير / يشاور
reliableيعتمد عليه / موثوق به
up-to-dateحديث / جديد
take downيزيل (منشور مثلا) - يدوّنto remove something that was previously put up or put in place
upgradeيطور / يحسن
banner advertإعلان على لافتةan advertisement that appears across the top of a page on the internet
cookiesملفات تعريف الارتباطa small file that is sent by a website to your computer and that contains information about how you use the site, so that this information is available the next time you use the site
sponsored advertan advertisement that a brand pays an online publisher to create and seamlessly integrate, conforming to the design, format, and content of the website or social media feed where it is published
search resultنتيجة البحث ( على الانترنت)
skimيقرأ بسرعة
scanيقرأ بتمعن
fraudulentمحتال / مخادع
reputableحسن السمعة - ذو سمعة طيبة
counterfeit (v)يزوّر / يزيّف
counterfeit (n)تزوير - شيء مزيّف
counterfeit (adj)مزوّر
trustworthyجدير بالثقة / موثوق
compromiseحل وسط
hoverيحوم / يرفرفremain in one place in the air
urgencyاستعجال / إلحاح
multilayeredمتعدد الطبقات
tierطبقة / درجة
lessenيقلل / ينقصdiminish
discernيدرك (شيء) / يميز (شيء)
succumbخضع / استسلم
lureيخدع / يغري
spear phishingthe fraudulent practice of sending emails ostensibly from a known or trusted sender in order to induce targeted individuals to reveal confidential information.ostensibly : ظاهريًا
authenticأصلي / حقيقي
defenseدفاع / حماية
enterpriseمشروع - شركة
impersonateينتحل شخصية
whalingصيد الحيتان
time profilingتحديد الوقت
opportune momentاللحظة المناسبة
credentialsأوراق اعتماد
voice phishingthe use of telephony to conduct phishing attacksalso known as : vishing
vulnerableغير حصين - معرض للهجوم

From Grammarway 4

Unit 1